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An Examen “From Ashes to Glory”

From Ashes to GloryThis Lent we are offering a prayer exercise, “From Ashes to Glory,” based on Ignatius’s Examen. It is by Joseph Tetlow, SJ, a writer and esteemed spiritual director who has had a lot to do with the growing popularity of the Examen.

“From Ashes to Glory” posts will appear here on Ash Wednesday and at the beginning of each week of Lent. On Sundays, Fr. Tetlow will reflect on a theme:

The themes of the first five weeks of Lent correspond to the five steps of the Examen.

On Mondays, Fr. Tetlow will share a Scripture passage, a five-step Examen, and a closing prayer. You can use these posts as the basis for daily Examens throughout the rest of the week.

“The Examen from Ashes to Glory keeps us aware of what we are actually doing,” says Fr. Tetlow. He continues:

If we intend to find God in all things, we are seeking a busy God, constantly creating all things and redeeming humankind. When we really find the Father, we will find what Jesus meant when he said that “the Son can do only what he sees the Father doing.” So if we want to be with God, we will be at work. How we are doing that work is what we set ourselves to examine.

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