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Exploring the Examen Step-by-Step: Give Thanks

sunrise over water - text: Exploring the Examen Step-by-Step: Give Thanks

Editor’s note: We continue our series exploring each of the steps of the Examen. We’re using the Examen version from Jim Manney’s book, A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer. We’ll look at a different step each week.

2. Give thanks.

In his book, A Simple, Life Changing Prayer, Jim Manney summarizes the second step of the Examen this way: “Give thanks. The day I have just lived is a gift from God. Be grateful for it.”

While one can never go wrong with gratitude, in the context of the Examen gratitude is more than saying “thank you” in appreciation. Here are a few things to remember about gratitude in the Examen.

Daily practice of the Examen teaches us how to be open to and aware of God’s continuous loving presence in our lives. It teaches us that God doesn’t wait for us to finish everything or for everything to be perfect. God is present in the good times and the in-between times, in the imperfection, and in the messes—bestowing gifts on us every day. This recognition gives way to the gratitude of the Examen.

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