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The History of One Day

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure online retreat
You can look at the day you just lived through, and notice certain things.

The physical: What did you see? What did you hear? Taste? Smell? Touch? What was the weather like? How was the sky? What impact did all of these sensual elements have on you?

The emotional: What were the primary emotions of the day? When did you feel most emotionally alive, and when were your emotions more muted? What part of your day was most emotionally satisfying, and what part of it was most emotionally painful or difficult?

The relational: What were the primary relationships of the day? (For instance, if it was a work day, chances are that colleagues were primary relationships through at least part of the day.) What conversations did you have, and how did they go? Did any of your relationships today involve conflict or hurt, and if so, what happened? Did any of your relationships provide pleasure and/or healing, and if so, what happened?

The interior/spiritual: What aspects of the day seemed to touch upon obvious spiritual activity or material? Did you engage in any intentional spiritual practice, and if so, what was it and how did that go?

The eventful: What events occurred in your life today? Were they big or small, exciting or deadening? What impact, if any, did those events have on your life as a whole?

The creative: What did you do today that required creative thinking? What were the raw materials of the day—and what did you make out of them? Try to locate the moments in which you were truly engaged with your creative gifts.

You might come up with more categories. But take just one or two of them to review and explore your day, and to identify where grace, peace, truth, healing, beauty, and joy made their appearances.

This post is a part of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, Week 2.

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