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A Prayer Exercise: Imagination

imaginative cityscape - image by Patricio González from Pixabay

What is the most imaginative thing you’ve ever done?

Who is the most imaginative person you know, and how would you describe that person’s life and work?  . . . What are your deep desires today? Or, what is your deep dissatisfaction?

Imagination is at the root of creation. What kind of world would you like to create? What kind of workplace? What kind of church? What kind of home?

During the next few days, generate as many ideas as you can about a particular desire or dissatisfaction. Just go crazy, and don’t worry about how impractical the ideas are or how unqualified you may be to carry them out. Ask divine imagination to accompany you as you mull over these matters.

Pick something attractive you would like to create, and make steps this week to begin doing just that.

—Excerpted from Days of Deepening Friendship by Vinita Hampton Wright

Image by Patricio González from Pixabay.

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