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Encountering the Risen Christ

Easter liliesJames Hanvey, SJ, writes in Thinking Faith that we can “Let him Easter in us” by exploring what the Gospels say about the appearances of the risen Christ. One of the lessons involves the quietness in the accounts:

Like all those who encounter the risen Christ, it takes us time to adjust, to come into focus. You will notice that it is the risen Christ who comes to us, not we who can summon him. We must learn to wait with a new openness and humility—there is no other way of knowing him than by receiving him. You’ll notice, too, in the delicate luminosity of the resurrection accounts there is no awe, no stunning effects to accompany a divine revelation. It is all quietness, stillness, simplicity and intimacy. This alone is uncanny and yet it tells us something about the way in which Christ always is with us.

How are you encountering the risen Christ this Easter season?

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