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"The Flowers Appear on the Earth"

windshield flowers

While God seems to be woven into my daily life, it’s never when I expect it, like at the “holy” moments. I pray in the mornings but am sometimes distracted by my to-do list for the day. At Mass I want so much to focus and be transformed by the reality of what is happening, but too often I am halfway through Mass before I realize that I am still silently humming the opening hymn.

However, God and I have many unexpected conversations in daily life, especially at the grocery store. God comes to me in the lobby, the produce aisle, over by frozen foods, and last week, in the parking lot. I was returning to my car, trying to ignore the gray, bleak day—another in a long line of chilly non-spring days. With the season weeks behind schedule, everyone wants Spring and the warmth, flowers, and promise of new life it brings.

As I pushed my cart across the parking lot, I was startled to see the car next to me. Nestled at the windshield was a large bouquet of flowers. Flowers! Beautiful spring blooms tied with a bright blue ribbon. There they were, just waiting for owner to return to the car and discover them.

Who were they from? Who were they for? I drove home imagining the joy that someone had planning, buying the bouquet, and leaving it. Was the giver waiting a few rows of cars away to watch the reaction? Was there a note with it, of apology or perhaps a declaration of love? I could picture the joy and sense of being loved that the driver would feel to return to the car on this cold and overcast day and find a spring surprise.

I am always looking for a more direct communication with God, like a phone call or a letter saying how loved I am or what I should do with a problem. I got home wishing that God sent flowers and realized that, of course, he does. They are in the grocery store, on the windshield, and now even peeking out from the ground in our gardens.

God continues to surprise us with a shower of love and joy, enfolding us in the depths of his love whether we are aware of it or not. But sometimes, in a rare moment of clarity, I can see that love in other people and in the world around me. It seems to happen when I least expect it and perhaps most need it. The flowers on the windshield were a gift of love to me and to all who saw them.

“Arise, my friend, my beautiful one, and come! For see, the winter is past, the rains are over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the turtledove is heard in our land.” (Song of Songs 2:10)

Image by under a Creative Commons license.
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