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Where’s the Shepherd?

In modern society, few of us know the reality of sheep and their shepherd. But to help us, Fr. Al Hicks shares a reflection that sheds light on the image of the Good Shepherd.

Where’s the shepherd? It is usually difficult to spot him. The trick is to search the trees and look for the wisp of smoke. There he is in the shade of a tree often as not napping or boiling water for tea over a small fire. The sheep do not fear or worry because they know he is near, asleep or not, ready to guard them from danger or lead them across the road to greener pastures. There are few words spoken but he is there signed by his donkey and the sheep take comfort. The shepherd is a parable of life. There is no need to speak much or shout.

Perhaps today we might speak a little less or spend more quiet time to “Delight in the Presence of the Good Shepherd.” (Link no longer available.)

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