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Because of the Resurrection

Arts & Faith: Lent - Piero della Francesca - "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ"

Now that we have journeyed with Jesus through his Incarnation—even to suffering and death, and then even through to resurrection and new life—what is our response?

Here are some wise words from the Spiritual Exercises, to guide our hearts in prayer this week:

I ask for what I desire: for interior knowledge of all the great good I have received, in order that, stirred to profound gratitude, I may become able to love and serve the Divine Majesty in all things (SE 233).

I will consider how God labors and works for me in all the creatures on the face of the earth; that is, he acts in the manner of one who is laboring. For example, he is working in the heavens, elements, plants, fruits, cattle, and all the rest—giving them their existence, conserving them, concurring with their vegetative and sensitive activities. Then I will reflect on myself. (SE 236)

During the next few days, finish this sentence, several different times:

Because of the resurrection, I . . . .

This post is a part of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, Week 8.

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