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The Spiritual Exercises and Wall Street

Chris Lowney is a former Jesuit, former J.P. Morgan investment banker, and currently full-time speaker and author.  He recently gave a talk at Fordham with the provocative title: “Could St. Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises Have Spared Us the 2008 Wall Street Crash?”

Probably not, said Lowney, but the values of the Exercises could have helped Wall Street professionals make better decisions that might have eased the crisis. “Virtually no attention has been paid to help sharpen the decision-making skills of the human actors in this industry,” he said. “This is where Ignatius and his Exercises can contribute critically.”  He listed five ways that Ignatius’s “spiritual technologies” can help financiers–and anyone else–make better decisions.

Lowney develops these ideas in his book, Heroic Living: Discover Your Purpose and Change the World.

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