Marina Berzins McCoy

Marina Berzins McCoy is a professor at Boston College, where she teaches philosophy and in the BC PULSE service-learning program. She is the author of The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness and Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Ancient Greek Philosophy. She and her husband are the parents to two young adults and live in the Boston area.
The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness by Marina Berzins McCoy

Marina's Book

  • The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness

Storing Up the Water of Consolation

This summer on retreat I spent much time praying while sitting on large rocks off the northeast Atlantic Ocean. The wildlife is abundant there, with a wide variety of...

Hospitality and Service

Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re hosting 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. In addition to the calendar of Ignatian articles found here, posts on dotMagis this month will explore...

Freedom in Sowing Seeds

It’s early summer, and so my gardening season here in the Northeast is finally underway. With the exception of some radishes, lettuce, and perennial herbs such as chives, my...

Repeat Returns and the Examen

My automobile, unfortunately, has been subjected to several recalls. First it was a rearview camera that might not sit in the correct position. I went and had it checked....

Lenten Read-Along: Seeing the Goodness

I have long admired Gregory Boyle, SJ, whose books I regularly teach in my classes in the Boston College PULSE service learning program. I have had the opportunity to...

When Anxiety Strikes

At times, we all can worry about the future. I’m a planner, and so perhaps I am more prone to anxiety than others. If I am going on a...