Barbara Lee

Barbara Lee is a practicing spiritual director who lives in New York City. She is a retired attorney, a former U.S. magistrate judge, and a long-serving member of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps. She is the author of God Isn’t Finished with Me Yet: Discovering the Spiritual Graces of Later Life, Answering God's Call, and Praying Through Pain.
Books by Barbara Lee

Barbara's Books

  • God Isn't Finished with Me Yet
  • Answering God's Call
  • Praying Through Pain

The Audacity of Friendship with God

Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re hosting 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. In addition to the calendar of Ignatian articles found here, posts on...

An Examen in Times of Pain

The daily Examen is intended to help us notice where God is in our lives. We do this by examining the details of the day just past with attention...

Praying Through Pain at Christmas

“Joy to the world!” the song rings out. But not everyone feels joyful at Christmas. Anyone who is sick, bereaved, lonely, or unemployed may find trying to sing about...

Five Gifts of Ignatian Spirituality for the Aging

God calls us in different ways at different times in our lives, including after retirement or when physical limitations change our way of living. After retiring from the legal...

Decision Making

We are constantly making decisions, every day, all day: what to eat for breakfast, what to wear, whether to add an umbrella to all the things we have to...

“I Have Seen the Lord!”

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Mary of Magdala visited the tomb of Jesus early in the morning and came back distraught, weeping, with...