Theresa Brotherton

Theresa Brotherton is a freelance writer and speaker. She has a BA in special education and elementary education and is a certified CRE. She has served as a children’s religion teacher and has published two books about finding God in all things: Life in God’s Fast Lane and An Ordinary Life. She lives in St. Louis, MO, with her husband, four grown children, and three grandsons. She seeks to live the Jesuit teaching of living a life of service and compassion for others.

Grace Through Reconciliation

My heart feels heavy. My feet will not stay on the right path for long. Tired of stumbling, I call a Christian friend for advice. Telling her everything and...

God Snuggles

My two-year-old grandson was promoted to big brother recently, and I have been spending precious time at my daughter and son-in-law’s house to help with the everyday tasks a...