dotMagis Editor

Film and Faith

In advance of the Academy Awards, Loyola Press is celebrating Film and Faith. One of the articles in the week-long series finds film critic Richard Leonard, SJ, looking at...

Ignatian Resources for Lent 2014

Ash Wednesday is next week, so today we’re highlighting some of the many online features designed to help you observe Lent. The Ignatian Workout for LentTim Muldoon’s audio reflections accompany...

Consolation and Desolation

Jason Vaz, SJ, provides some helpful images to distinguish consolation and desolation in a recent post at the igNation blog. He concludes with questions for consideration, particularly for those...

The Grace I Seek

Andy Otto, blogger here at dotMagis, has produced morning and evening audio meditations to help us ask for the grace we seek each day and reflect on whether the...

Art Retreat

Atlanta-area readers may be interested in an upcoming retreat at Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center. Spiritual director and artist Claudia Campbell is leading a Lenten silent retreat during which...

Daniel Harrington, RIP

Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, died last week after a battle with cancer. The New Testament scholar was a professor at Boston College and author of many books, including Meeting...