Mike Hayes

Mike Hayes is the Director of Young Adult Ministry in the Diocese of Cleveland. Mike began a rich ministry career by founding BustedHalo.com. His first book, Googling God, focused on changing the conversation within the Catholic Church on ministering to the often-ignored 20- and 30-something crowd. He also authored Loving Work (Orbis, 2014) and served as the principle editor for the World Youth Day Retreat Guide for the USCCB (2016). He has worked as a campus minister, serving at both a state university and a Catholic college. A noted media expert, Mike worked at WFAN Radio and WOR Radio for 10 years before refocusing his energy on direct ministry. He covered major league baseball and served as a producer, technical director, or newsroom coordinator for many radio shows. Mike has been married to Marion since 2002, and they live with their dog, Haze, in Lakewood, Ohio.

MAGIS and World Youth Day: Three Unforgettable Weeks in Poland

Pilgrimages are supposed to bring one closer to God. “You can talk or you can pray while you are on a pilgrimage,” advised one Polish Jesuit, and many of...

Looking Forward to World Youth Day and Magis 2016

Sitting in Exhibition Hall in Toronto with colleagues, I began to hear the screaming. “What’s that yelling?” I shouted. “Ah, the Pope’s motorcade is coming,” my friend Cindee replied. I shrugged and...

Four Seconds

I drive up Eggert Road nearly every day. It’s a slight shortcut that gives me four extra minutes on my daily commute. Time is the most precious of commodities....

The Truth of My Life

In my daily Examen, I often ask God to simply show me “the truth of my life.” I hope to be able to see things as they really are...