Jurell Sison

Jurell Sison is a 20-something Filipino American living in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a teacher, writer, and filmmaker on the quest for the living God. His mission is to share stories and experiences with those who are chasing meaning and purpose in life. Jurell graduated in May 2013 with a Master of Arts in Theology. He served as a graduate assistant for the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at John Carroll University. He enjoys photography, videography, and keeping up with Pope Francis. His favorite activity is sharing a good meal with close family and friends, especially his best friend and wife, Bridget.

Opening My Hands

In the summer I try my best to go to daily Mass. I’m a high school teacher, so I have plenty of time to do so. But during the...

No Monopoly on Holiness

Sometimes the hardest part of the day is getting out of bed. The weight of my anxiety is sometimes so heavy that it paralyzes. There’s so much to do,...

The Power of Silent Prayer

For years I’ve been trying to master the art of silent prayer. Sometimes my attempts find me staring at my shoes, thinking about the work I need to be...

Lenten Meditation 6: Scripture as a Thin Place

We should be aware of the thin places in our lives because they make experiences of God’s desire for each one of us, and our desire for God, more...

Finding God When a Loved One Dies

God is present in the places of suffering, too.

Surrendering to God’s Love

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.Contemplating the love of the Creator opened my heart to a new world, one that I needed to...