Ignatian Organizations

Ignatian spirituality emphasizes active participation in God’s work in the world. These are some of the organizations inspired by this Ignatian mission.

A U.S. Ignatian organization is not listed as a Jesuit work in the Catalog of the Provinces of the Society of Jesus in the United States of America, but which by its self-definition aligns itself with one or more core aspects of Ignatian spirituality.

Social Ministries/Volunteers

Ignatian Associates
Communities of lay men and women who serve in schools, universities, health care, social service programs, parishes, and a variety of business and other settings.

Ignatian Solidarity Network
Programs of support and information-sharing among groups involved in social justice and advocacy efforts.

Ignatian Volunteer Corps
Volunteer opportunities for men and women aged 50 and older.

Homeboy Industries
Programs and outreach to Los Angeles youth seeking to escape gang violence.

Spiritual Growth

Christian Life Community—International
An international association of Christians organized in small groups to support each other spiritually and minister to the poor and needy.

Christian Life Community—USA
Information about the many Christian Life Communities in the United States.

Charis Ministries
Programs for young adults.

Ignatian Spirituality Center
An ecumenical outreach ministry seeking to serve the spiritual needs of the people of the Pacific Northwest.

Ignatian Spiritual Life Center in San Francisco
Offers adult education and faith formation, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, spiritual direction, opportunities for prayer and retreat, and an ongoing commitment to dialogue and service in our Church and world.

Education and Publishing

Cristo Rey Network
Schools providing a college prep program to economically challenged and minority young people.

Institute of Jesuit Sources
Publishes material on the Jesuits, their history, their traditions, their present activities, and their future opportunities.

Online Ministries

Creighton Online Ministries
The premier online resource for Ignatian prayer, retreats, and devotions.