HomeIgnatian PrayerAn Ignatian Prayer Adventure Begins

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Begins

An Ignatian Prayer AdventureAn Ignatian Prayer Adventure begins today. Our focus for this first week of the retreat is “Love, Freedom, and Purpose.” We’ll consider questions such as: Who is God for me? How does God see me? When have I experienced interior freedom? and How do I praise, love, and serve God?Visit People for Others and Days of Deepening Friendship tomorrow for reflections by Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, and Vinita Hampton Wright. I’ll have a video reflection for you here on dotMagis on Tuesday. May you have a blessed Lent.

Jim Manney
Jim Manneyhttps://www.jimmanneybooks.com/
Jim Manney is the author of highly praised popular books on Ignatian spirituality, including A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (about the Daily Examen) and God Finds Us (about the Spiritual Exercises). He is the compiler/editor of An Ignatian Book of Days. His latest book is What Matters Most and Why. He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


  1. So please someone tell me how do i do this. I dont need your reflections as I prefer God,s…sorry. Now how do i begin and continue the retreat.

  2. It’s a great programme if only I can remember to actually work it throughout the day. At least until the first cranky customer….

  3. Thanks for your enthusiasm for the retreat.
    Louisa (and others) — please share your thoughts about the retreat here on dotMagis and on the Ignatian Spirituality page on Facebook. You might also consider discussing this retreat with a spiritual director or a couple of like-minded friends.

  4. Good Morning, Louisa & Linda G. I’m grateful for whatever time we have to offer each other in group. God bless you as you start your week. (=:

  5. Yesterday, I began the retreat. I felt so deeply in and resonating with this. Although my time is a day ahead nevertheless, it is worth returning…there are so many significant passages that talks in me and I am really happy ( even it’s a lent thing). my mobile is very useful because I can read it again and again even late and while on bed.
    I just wonder if there is a way to share thoughts or reflections in a group maybe or just through someone in here? or it really depends on oneself?
    Thanks so much ….and praying for you as well..

    • So far as I see we are posting our thoughts — I have my opinionated comments all over the place (I haven’t told myself to be quiet yet). I look forward to seeing your comments, Louisa. As far as being a day ahead, eternity is always in the present. Truth humour aside, I always look at Lent and Advent retreats and things as programmes that we need to follow to keep us on track with faith in general. Were we perfect, we wouldn’t need calendar markers and guidelines so we can do the same things every year.
      Yikes there I go with my opinions again. Sigh.

  6. Have started this with my children, one a teenager, one a few years younger. Each of the bits needed a little explaining for the younger one but both seeemed to get something out of it. I will go back and pray with the material myself later. Thank you.

  7. Thanks so much! Even though I was raised Catholic, I don’t remember ever being exposed to the Animi Christi. Brought tears to my eyes. I will use those questions in the “Short Course on Prayer” in my Examen, because I think they will help me focus. My days are so full and my memory failing, so doing a linear review of the day doesn’t work so well for me. Thanks again & God bless all of you, whoever you are. (=;

  8. This is simply marvelous. A significant day lies before me, one that has come only after many challenges, and will be followed by many more. I am going to carry this morning’s prayers with me all day and into the evening.

  9. Jim, thank you and Paul and Vinita for providing this resource that we may have a more meaningful Lent. You will all be in my prayers that Lent will be very meaningful for you as well.


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