Rosalie P. Krajci

Rosalie P. Krajci, Ph.D., a Benedictine Oblate, is retired from two careers: language teacher and consultant in human resources management. Her third and most rewarding career is as a spiritual director and freelance writer. Rosalie and her husband raised seven children. Now widowed, she lives in the Finger Lakes area in upstate New York.

Sight at Bethsaida

This story is inspired by Mark 8:22–26, the blind man of Bethsaida. It uses Ignatian contemplation and the imagination’s eye to reflect on the value of sight as we...

Not the Expected Retreat

I had scheduled a three-night retreat at the monastery. I needed this retreat. It was to be a really good silent retreat. I would take no book except for...

Recognizing the Risen Lord

Mary Magdalene stands at the empty tomb: how could she not weep, filling the well of her sorrow that capped her grief over the last three days? She notices a...

Zacchaeus: Surprised by Mercy

One of my favorite Gospel stories that lends itself so well to Ignatian contemplation is the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1–10). This man appeals to me because love and...

Seeing Christ in Others

Early in my spiritual journey, I frequently read how important it was to see Christ in others. In particular, I admired Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who saw Christ “in...