HomedotMagisSpiritual ExercisesMeditation on Two Standards

Meditation on Two Standards

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure online retreat

This post is based on Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, introduces the Meditation on Two Standards from the Spiritual Exercises. He explains:

Every day we make choices on one side or the other, because the battle between good and evil ultimately will be decided in the human heart. So we consider our choices as disciples, and we pray for the wisdom and the courage and the clarity to choose that standard to join Jesus in his community of disciples under his banner.

O’Brien is the author of The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life and Seeing with the Heart: A Guide to Navigating Life’s Adventures.


  1. Thank you for your insightful reflection on the Meditation on Two Standards from the Spiritual Exercises. Your words beautifully illuminate the daily struggle we face as individuals navigating the choices between good and evil, between aligning ourselves with the values of Christ or succumbing to the temptations of the world.

    Your reminder that this battle is ultimately decided in the human heart resonates deeply. It highlights the profound importance of our personal choices and the impact they have not only on ourselves but on the wider community of disciples.

    Praying for wisdom, courage, and clarity in our decision-making process is essential. It is through this prayerful discernment that we can align ourselves with Jesus and his community of disciples under his banner. In a world filled with competing values and ideologies, this prayerful reflection becomes even more critical in guiding our actions and choices.

    Your reflection serves as a timely reminder of the ongoing spiritual journey we all embark on as disciples of Christ. It encourages us to remain steadfast in our commitment to choose the standard of goodness and righteousness, even amidst the challenges and temptations we may encounter.

    Thank you for your wisdom and guidance in navigating this journey of faith.

    With gratitude and blessings,

  2. Thanks Fr Kevin. Indeed being blessed with wisdom to make the right choices is a massive grace, so vital for a healthy and constructive worldbuilding.


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