Make an Online Retreat

If you would like to make a retreat, but can’t get away for a weekend at a Jesuit retreat house, take a look at the online retreats offered by the team at Creighton Online Ministries.  You can choose from among retreats by Larry Gillick, SJ, Dennis Hamm, SJ, Jim Kubicki, SJ, Rob Kroll, SJ, and Kevin Schneider, SJ.  They are MP3 recordings of half-hour conferences given at weekend retreats in the last couple of years. You can listen to them on your computer or download them onto your iPod or other MP3 player.

You might also consider Creighton’s 34-week online retreat that follows the four weeks of the Spiritual Exercises.  It’s also available in the book Retreat in the Real World, published by Loyola Press.


  1. Great post, Jim, thanks for sharing these online resources. I will pass them along via Facebook & Twitter. Meanwhile, you and your readers may be interested to know that we (Jesuit Retreat House – Cleveland) also offer an online retreat during Lent. It was put together by our former director, Fr. Clem Metzger, S.J., and includes daily readings and reflections as well as links to resources in Ignatian spirituality. Check out last year’s retreat at This year’s will be very similar. Thanks.


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