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    The final contemplation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is the Contemplation on Divine Love, or the Contemplation on the Love of God. It captures all of the movements we've been praying through during our retreat in daily...
    Now that we have journeyed with Jesus through his Incarnation—even to suffering and death, and then even through to resurrection and new life—what is our response? Here are some wise words from the Spiritual Exercises, to guide our hearts in...
    Gratitude is the key to Ignatian spirituality and the topic for my final video for An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. The Spiritual Exercises end with a vision of generosity and gratitude called the Contemplation to Attain the Love of God....
    The first contemplation in the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises involves Jesus appearing to his mother. Can you imagine being Mary, sitting in her house, overcome with grief and despair at losing her son? Can you imagine Mary,...
    In the Gospels, we have various accounts of the risen Jesus appearing, to: The women at the tomb: Matthew 28:1–8; Mark 16:1–8; Luke 24:1–12; John 20:1–13 The women: Matthew 28:9–10; Mark 16:9–11; Luke 24:10–11; John 20:14–18 The disciples on...
    Joy is a way of looking at the world and choosing to see it as God's world, infused with God's grace and love. As we contemplate the Resurrection in this last week of our Ignatian Prayer Adventure, let's consider...
    Happy Easter! We've come to the final week of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Jesus is risen! And in exploring our theme of “God's Love and Our Response,” we take the lessons from the entire retreat and go forward, changed...
    Easter isn't a happy ending. It's a new beginning. Easter is an incredible surprise. No one was expecting it, but it happened. Jesus rose from the dead, and a new creation was born, starting with Jesus but intended for...
    For Good Friday, pray this colloquy from The Spiritual Exercises 53. This is a contemporary paraphrase by David L. Fleming, SJ.I put myself before Jesus Christ our Lord, present before me on the cross. I talk to him about how...
    A few years ago, I wrote this poem on Good Friday, as I worked around the house and tried to consider Christ's Passion. I hope it adds something to your reflections on this holy weekend. Good Friday © 2005 Vinita...