HomeVideosHow Jesus Responds to Suffering

How Jesus Responds to Suffering

Video screenshot from "How Jesus Responds to Suffering as Demonstrated in the Scriptural Stations of the Cross" showing icon of CrucifixionPerhaps you’ve participated in a Stations of the Cross service this Lent. This devotion is well-suited to an Ignatian approach, as Gary Jansen suggests. Jansen is the author of Station to Station: An Ignatian Journey through the Stations of the Cross.

“As Jesus responds to his sorrow, he is expressing to us the best of what it means to be human,” writes Jansen. Consider how Jesus responds to suffering, taking the brief video below as a starting point for reflection.


  1. As the world suffers the common cold virus that has mutated to become the deadly Covid 19. For me as I pray and reflect. As my family suffer the financial affects of our province, Alberta. As my family gets lay off notices, as the fear escalates, as the toilet paper becomes a precious commodity. As the talk circulates of recalling retired RNs. I pause and reflect. Would I knowingly risk my life to care for those, who are ill and dying. Would I say yes. The answer is Yes, Mary said yes, Jesus said yes. The rational of my thinking is I was given the gift of Christ and the education designation RN. I would enter protected by my God, for He would know my intentions. I’ve had a full good life. I have a wonderful family, my children are OK..I am healthy no major health issues. The choice becomes for me. Nursing is a young profession all those young people there with children, vigorous and healthy will be needed to care for other pts. who need them. Cardiac, cancer etc. they’ll be needed for the day to day, while I in the sunset of my life can do what Christ asked us to do. He didn’t order us He asked us to do..so I would move forward in faith and trust. For this I am certain of – He will equip me with all the strength I need, He will be there in the suffering..He and only He will guide me thru – my trust in the Lord would be absolute.


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Loretta Pehanich
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