HomedotMagisDiscernmentVacation Desolation

Vacation Desolation

vacation - packing up the carI recently returned from a wonderful family vacation. It was a great time. The natural beauty of the area we visited was breathtaking, and as I was taking it in, I frequently thanked God for the beauty of creation.

Despite this wonderful trip, though, I came back feeling somewhat empty. I felt like I was missing something. The vacation was great. My family was great. Yet something big was missing, and I just couldn’t “put my finger on it.”

It wasn’t until later, when I was talking with my spiritual director, that I realized that what I was feeling was what St. Ignatius calls desolation.

Confirming this realization, the reflection in my devotional that day was an excerpt from The Spiritual Exercises in which St. Ignatius addresses the action we ought to take in times of desolation.

Although we ought not to change our former resolutions in time of desolation, it is very profitable to make vigorous changes in ourselves against the desolation, for example, by insisting more on prayer, meditation, earnest self-examination, and some suitable way of doing penance.

When we are in desolation we should think that the Lord has left us to our own powers in order to test us, so that we may prove ourselves by resisting the various agitations and temptations of the enemy. For we can do this with God’s help, which always remains available, even if we do not clearly perceive it. (SE 319–320)

Reading this passage just a couple of hours after meeting with my spiritual director, I felt like St. Ignatius was speaking directly to me.

Spiritual desolation, as Ignatius taught, can happen at any time. It has little to do with our emotional state, so it can happen when we are happy. It can happen when we are actively seeking God or when we have forgotten God. In my case, I had forgotten to spend quality time with God. Sure, I did chat with God on the fly—I thanked God for the beauty of creation and for having fun and restful times with my family. But, being in relaxed vacation-mode, all discipline went out the window. I neglected integral parts of my daily prayer life; I didn’t take time to be alone with God, read Scripture, reflect on my day with the Examen, or crack open the spiritual reading I had brought with me. Also, not wanting to inconvenience my family, I didn’t try to get to Adoration, which for me is a most precious and fruitful time to meet up with Jesus. Bottom-line: I inadvertently took a vacation from God.

Fortunately, St. Ignatius and my spiritual director were there to help me get back on track. Ignatius reminds us that, like any relationship, our relationship with God needs to be nurtured. This takes time, discipline, and commitment. God, ever-present, offers us His presence and love at every moment. It is we who need to take God up on His offer to spend time with Him—even on vacation.

Rebecca Ruiz
Rebecca Ruizhttps://amdg1.wordpress.com/
Rebecca Ruiz holds a B.A. from the College of the Holy Cross and an M.A. from Tufts University. She has been trained as an Ignatian spiritual director through Fairfield University. Rebecca is on staff at Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and previously served for a decade and a half at the Diocese of Arlington in refugee resettlement. She strives, as St. Ignatius taught, to see God in all things and do “all things for the greater glory of God.”


  1. Thank-you so much Rebecca! This interior struggle is something which has been rearing its ugly head quite frequently. I welcome your insights and will look for Matt Maher’ s song. I am humbled by the fact that someone responded. Thank-you.

  2. Thank you for sharing an experience which seems to happen so frequently to me! Just like you,vacation is a frequent culprit but sunny,blue sky days bring quite many. When God “leaves me to my own devices” I quickly discover how weak and gullible I am.This sets up my circular inner struggle. I am not good enough,look at the mess I make!How could God love me, I do everything wrong. The circle repeats and repeats until I have erased all all my strength and courage. Can anyone help?

    • Dear Kay,
      Yes, St. Ignatius speaks of this kind of interior struggle frequently. He teaches us how to discern which Spirits are from God and which are from the “Enemy.” Once we can discern the source of the thoughts, it makes it much easier to dismiss those thoughts that are not from God and return our thoughts to God and “all that is good, and all that is Holy.”
      I personally find music to be helpful in the spiritual journey as well. There is a great song by Catholic artist Matt Maher called “Your Grace is Enough.” I believe it speaks to the struggles of which you speak.

    • Dear Cesaer,
      Thank you for your comment. St. Ignatius has an amazing way of teaching us how to make the barren places bloom!

  3. Thank you for sharing this life experience; we cannot “see” things until we experience them in our own lives and hearing the same or similar experiences of others gives a shared consolation of sorts. Would you be willing to share the name of the daily devotional you use?

    • Hi Tammy,
      Yes, I have gained so much from encounter with others walking along their own faith journeys as well. I think the Holy Spirit can use these moments of shared and prayerful reflection to enlighten our souls as we journey forward. The daily devotional that I use is “Magnificat” – one of many excellent resources available that assist with daily prayer and reflection.


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