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A Thin Place with Veterans

Dean Hall shared with our Ignatian Spirituality Facebook community a story about experiencing a thin place in his work serving homeless veterans. One of the veterans in a small group setting shared a traumatic event that sparked a dialogue.

There is no way I can capture the moment in the middle of group when a quiet presence filled that space; I knew in an instant that the Divine was with us, comforting these men, providing a moment of respite from the burdens of war that they carry. Everyone in the group felt it and commented on having experienced that powerful, moving presence.

Tears are beginning to flow now I recall having experienced what is referred to in Celtic spirituality as a “thin place,” where for a moment the space between heaven and earth become so thin we experience the Divine’s presence. As a result, words of faith transformed into words of life and healing. I saw God this week, in the lives and experiences of those veterans who have touched death and survived and who so graciously allowed me to be part of such a sacred moment. For that, I am eternally grateful.

We are grateful to Dean for sharing his experience.


  1. “They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old,
    Age shall not weary them,nor the years condemn,
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
    We will remember them”

  2. I,too,am a veteran; I am a former US Navy
    Nurse Corps Officer who served during
    the Vietnam War. My heart and gratitude
    goes to all of the veterans who served
    to insure our freedoms!

  3. Today (Veteran’s Day) at mass, the homily was on the importance of this day. When father finished, I reflected on when our men and woman go to war to defend our country do they hate the enemy in front of them or are they there because of the love they have for those behind them.

  4. We here in the UK stood in silence at 11 am to remember those who fell in the service of their country, for those suffering from its aftermath whether physically or mentally but also we make a prayer for peace in the world.

  5. Thanks for this posting
    Today is Remembrance Day in Canada and we should pray especially for all those who have been traumatised by war


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon