HomeSpiritualityAnchor into Hope

Anchor into Hope

anchor - photo by Kovah on Unsplash

My grandmother reminded me often, “One thing we can always count on in life is change.” As a child, I never quite understood what she meant. Hearing this as an adult, it sometimes exasperated me. As much as I did not want to hear her words at times, I knew they were true. Life changes.

It’s changing right now. Let’s be honest. Life has been one change after another for several months now: Adjusting to sheltering at home. Learning to wear a mask. Embracing working from home. Learning how to venture back out again safely. And the changes we have faced in the last several months did not make “normal” life changes go away. We are still maneuvering changes in relationships, in jobs, in our health, in our finances, in our children, and on and on.

All this change can make us feel hopeless at times as we are constantly faced with uncertainty and the unknown. Thankfully, change is not the only thing we can always count on. As Hebrews 6:19 reminds us, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hope is infused in us by God alone, which is a deep comfort to remember on the days it is hard to anchor into hope.

Let’s look at three ways we can anchor into hope.

Naming the Real

Hope begins with naming what is actually going on in our lives to God. Speaking our struggles to God allows us to lean into the source of our hope through honest sharing of our feelings, our fears, our hopes, and our desires.

Finding Our Still Point

In a world of steady change, it helps to have a still point upon which to fix our eyes. Our daily prayer time in our inner chapels allows us to lean into the still point of our lives, God. Letting God be our still point calms the turning world of chaos around us.

Embracing the Promises of God

Leaning into the unchanging promises of God increases our hope. We can anchor into these promises, knowing we are never alone, we are unconditionally loved, we are fully seen, and we have a companion in our suffering. Embracing these promises helps us stand on what is firm and secure in our lives.

These three ways remind us that God sees the reality of our lives, is always with us in prayer, and offers us promises that give us strong and steady ground to stand upon, even in times of great change.

As we name the real, find our still point, and embrace the promises of God, we are able to anchor into what is unchangeable. We can anchor into hope.

Photo by Kovah on Unsplash.

The Inner Chapel by Becky Eldredge

Becky Eldredge
Becky Eldredge
Becky Eldredge is a writer and spiritual director in Baton Rouge, LA. The author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls and The Inner Chapel, Becky holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Education from Louisiana State University and a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University New Orleans. She has her Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Spring Hill College. Becky has been involved in ministry for more than 15 years, with the majority of her work in retreat ministry and adult faith formation. While ministry is one of her passions, her greatest joy is sharing life with her husband, Chris, and her children, Brady, Abby, and Mary.


  1. Nice reflection. Thanks Becky. ‘Anchor into Hope and move on’ is becoming our daily way of proceeding. After all we are joyful pilgrims marching ahead to the podium.

  2. Thank you Becky, naming the real is for me very important, so often we tell others that we are OK, doing well etc. so as not worry them and to know that God is there to help us as we talk about our worries, our doubs, our fears is a great source of comfort. So also is being able to talk to God about the unforseen blessings. For myself the sheltering has brought time to be still. Weekly fmily zoom meeting have meant that adult children who were only able to gather occasionally now communicate every week and have produced a new closeness in the family, there are others, and of course these things will be different for all. Bless you for helping me reflect on this.

  3. Thanks, Becky, your writing is always very much appreciated and valued. In this challenging year of not always welcome change, worry and concern have been constant. And then, let’s say, health issues (not related to the pandemic) as well have made us vulnerable. God is our hope, our anchor. Bless you for the reminder!


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