
Lunchtime Examen Week 6: What Shall I Do?

Our sixth and last Lunchtime Examen goes online today. This week's question is "What shall I do?" It's about the final step of the...

Lunchtime Examen Week 4: Feelings

Our fourth Lunchtime Examen goes online today.  This week's question is "What do our feelings have to do with prayer?" Click on the button...

Lunchtime Examen: What Do I Pray About?

Our third Lunchtime Examen is online today.  This week, in addition to the guided prayer, I talk about how the examen answers the question,...

Praying in Lent

Today, Ash Wednesday, the first Lunchtime Examen goes live on IgnatianSpirituality.com.  I've recorded six of these; a new one will be posted every Wednesday...

Lunchtime Examen

It's time to make some decisions about what you'll do to observe Lent, which is only nine days away.   May I suggest that you give...

Examen Book Review

The first review of A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer is up.  Meredith Gould likes it!  Read it here. While you're at it, browse through Meredith's...

A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (Continued)

-A sample of my new book about the Ignatian examen, A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer, is available for your reading pleasure.  Click the image above...


Nicholas Carr asks what the internet is doing to our brains.  His answer: rewiring it for easy distraction.  He observes that the way we...

A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer

I've just published a new book. It's called A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer, and it's about the Ignatian Examen, which has changed a lot of...

Releasing Our Captives

I like Phil Fox's Rose's column on practical spirituality on BustedHalo.com.  Recently he wrote an article about the Examen in which he quoted this...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon