HomedotMagisReflectionsA Fragrance of Love

A Fragrance of Love

coffeeThe aroma of fresh coffee sends me to bed every night as I lock the doors and my husband grinds the beans for the next morning’s automatically brewed wake-up beverage.

Smelling that rich dark roast, I feel hope as I say goodnight to the day. Inhaling is an invitation to the Examen for me, and I make my resolve for tomorrow. The promise of a cup of coffee to greet the next day sends me to bed a little freer. Whatever today’s failings and shortcomings, tomorrow I will be greeted again by a fragance of love, because my husband makes the coffee as an act of love.

He’s not just preparing coffee; he is making a statement of love—without using words. I have to be paying attention and hear with my heart.

Before leaving on a business trip, he sets up a pot of coffee to start the morning after his departure. He makes enough so I can reheat some the day after that. How can I describe the love I feel as I fill a mug and head to the car? My husband’s simple gesture invites a loving response.

But today is different.

I slam on the brakes. And only belatedly do I realize that my tall coffee cup had no lid.

Coffee now covers my porous floor mats, my sandaled foot, and my briefcase. Knowing that I’m on a freeway far from the next exit, and I’m already late for work, I make a choice. The 16 ounces of coffee will remain where they are as I continue my traffic-logged commute. And with that choice, I accept my imperfections—including rushing—and I inhale.

The fragrance of coffee is still tantalizingly beautiful. And I thank God for the love of the man who made me a cup.

And now that love is everywhere in my car. As I arrive late to work, I decide to let the coffee go. In the hundred-degree heat expected today, the coffee will dry and perhaps leave my car saturated with scents of coffee. The overarching emotion I feel deep within is gratitude. I am blessed by the love that went into that cup of coffee.

What small things do I do to make another person’s life more joyful?

Image by Boemski under CC BY 2.0.

Loretta Pehanich
Loretta Pehanich
Loretta Pehanich is a Catholic freelance writer and the author of Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends, 2022: A Book of Grace-Filled Days, Women in Conversation: Stand Up!, and Fleeting Moments: Praying When You Are Too Busy. A spiritual director since 2012, Loretta is trained in giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Her involvement in ministry and parish life includes 20 years in small faith-sharing groups and Christian Life Community. Loretta gives retreats and presentations on prayer and women’s spirituality and is commissioned as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist. She and her husband Steve have four children and 11 grandchildren.


  1. A beautiful, restful meditation and at the same time it provides a wonderful method to avoid stressful situations. I have to practice it repeatedly so it becomes my go-to spiritual tool when becoming stressed.

  2. Loretta,
    The journey through your love store was delightful! It brought back memories of my late husband’s morning actions as I would get ready for the day. He didn’t drink coffee but always made sure I got off to a great start! Yes, it’s love to go! Thank you for sharing your adventure.

  3. Thank you, Loretta, for reminding me that a negative (spilled coffee all over the car in 100 degree weather) can be a real positive if one looks at it with a spirit of gratitude. What an inspirational story! Thank you for sharing it and giving me something to ponder.

  4. I love this! (and how appropriate that I sit here reading it while listening to my husband make the coffee, which he does every morning without fail). Your reaction to the spilled coffee is such a marvelous example of living with gratitude. Thank you.

  5. Wow! You too?
    I can just picture that cherished time.
    It’s a gift to find God in all things and that includes our morning joe.

  6. Thank you, Loretta, for a wonderful piece which richly reminds us of God’s many, many “small” blessings – which, in turn, bring us back around to Him, and deepen our love. My wife and I have cherished for years our quiet early morning time together with coffee (which I have prepared the night before!). It is a spiritual drink in a way, isn’t it? ?

  7. “Making someone happy does not always involve doing something for another, but letting a person do something for me.”
    Thank you, Jess, for your lesson to me.

  8. Some years ago, I visited a homebound Hispanic woman whom I called “mi amor” in her apartment. One day, she offered to make coffee for me. She turned on the faucet to hot, filled a mug with water, stirred some spoons-ful of instant coffee and lots of sugar. When I tasted it, it was the most terrible coffee I had ever had, but I drank it to make her happy. And I realized that it was also the most lovingly made coffee I had ever had. Lesson learned: making someone happy does not always involve doing something for another, but letting a person do something for me.

  9. WOW Loretta-this was WONDERFUL!! Thank you for recognizing the gift that God has given you–I came alive reading your words! Also, I have the same kind of husband..I always thank him for this coffee ritual he blesses me with but you took it to a whole other level and I am so grateful that you did! XXOO Linda

    • Thank you, Linda! I am glad to hear that God has blessed us both through this post. I am encouraged by reading about your experience. I raise a coffee cup to you and your husband!


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