

Lunchtime Examen: What Do I Pray About?

Our third Lunchtime Examen is online today.  This week, in addition to the guided prayer, I talk about how the examen answers the question,...

Praying in Lent

Today, Ash Wednesday, the first Lunchtime Examen goes live on IgnatianSpirituality.com.  I've recorded six of these; a new one will be posted every Wednesday...

Lunchtime Examen

It's time to make some decisions about what you'll do to observe Lent, which is only nine days away.   May I suggest that you give...

Lent and My Big Birthday

I'm having one of those so-called milestone birthdays in a few weeks. On Ash Wednesday. If my birthday wasn't coinciding with the beginning of...

Up the Ladder

Writing in the Huffington Post, Fr. Jim Martin's literal climb up a scaffolding in an old church becomes a powerful metaphor for the climb...

What Forgiveness Means

I have a friend whose family members hang onto grudges and slights. They are people who remember everything ever done to them, against them—and...

The Fruit of Desolation

Years ago, Austen Ivereigh, executive editor of The Tablet made a 30-day Spiritual Exercises retreat when he was a Jesuit novice.  He spent most...

Examen Book Review

The first review of A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer is up.  Meredith Gould likes it!  Read it here. While you're at it, browse through Meredith's...

A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (Continued)

-A sample of my new book about the Ignatian examen, A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer, is available for your reading pleasure.  Click the image above...

The Worst Day of the Year

We made it. We got through January 24th, the worst day of the year. A group in Great Britain came up with this date a...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon