HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Journey Through the Life of Jesus: A Lenten Webinar

Lent is a time for entering more deeply into the profound mysteries of Christ’s life. One of the ways we do this is through...

The Journey of Lent

In an episode of Pop-Up Prayer, Fr. Andy Alexander, SJ, explains that “Lent is a journey that is about what God wants to give...

To Individuals Who Are Lonely

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, encourages individuals who feel lonely to try converting loneliness to solitude. He says, “You might find in those times of...

Light in Ordinary Time

A family member recently remarked to me that now that New Year’s celebrations are over, and both Christmas and seasonal fall activities are over,...

Reflecting God

I strive for distractions-free prayer spaces, and I was sure the stateroom balcony on our once-in-a-lifetime cruise would be such a place. A monotonous...

Predisposing Ourselves to Prayer

In an episode of Pop-Up Prayer, Fr. Brice Higginbotham shares thoughts about listening for God’s voice in the silence and predisposing ourselves to prayer....

To Individuals Who Are in Pain or Suffering

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, encourages those who are in pain or suffering with a brief video message. He says, “It’s part of being human,...

Merry Christmas

On this Christmas Day, enjoy “The Huron Carol,” written by the Jesuit martyr St. Jean de Brébeuf. He wrote it in the language of...

To Individuals Who Are Struggling to Make a Big Decision

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, encourages those who do not know how to make a big decision to learn about Ignatian discernment. “The great thing...

Set Free

This story is inspired by Luke 13:10–17. Eighteen years is a lifetime. Mercilessly, the crippling spirit worked me over, a little at a time. It...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon