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  • Ignatian Voices


    Featured Video - text next to image of tablet with video loading

    Finding God When a Loved One Dies

    God is present in the places of suffering, too.
    God was there - ambulance

    Finding God When My Son Was Hurt

    It’s a sound no parent wants to hear: the thunk of a five-year-old forehead hitting wood. My son was taking a running leap into...
    green peas quote

    God Surprises in Peas and Teas

    “You know I don’t eat anything green,” insisted my youngest son, pushing his plate of mashed potatoes, meat loaf, and green peas away from...
    firsts in life

    The Joy of Firsts

    After writing about the joys of ordinary miracles, those things that happen all the time and seem normal—like birthdays or celebrating anniversaries—I got thinking...

    The World Beyond Our Senses

    Do you have any idea how glorious the world around you really is? Consider the multitude of gifts of our earthly existence that are...
    What do I do with this?

    Why Ask Why?

    “Why, God? Why?” I sit at the funeral of a friend who died unexpectedly of a heart attack. Alive one day, gone the next. “Why,...
    Prayer for Generosity - "To labor and not to seek reward" line highlighted

    To Labor and Not to Seek Reward

    In celebration of our fifth anniversary, we’ve invited our dotMagis bloggers to reflect on the individual lines of St. Ignatius’s Prayer for Generosity. The Prayer...
    Prayer for Generosity - "To toil and not to seek for rest" line highlighted

    To Toil and Not to Seek for Rest

    In celebration of our fifth anniversary, we’ve invited our dotMagis bloggers to reflect on the individual lines of St. Ignatius’s Prayer for Generosity. Any runner...
    Prayer for Generosity - "To give and not to count the cost" line highlighted

    To Give and Not to Count the Cost

    In celebration of our fifth anniversary, we’ve invited our dotMagis bloggers to reflect on the individual lines of St. Ignatius’s Prayer for Generosity. Imagine making...
    Prayer for Generosity - "Teach me to serve you as you deserve" line highlighted

    Teach Me to Serve You as You Deserve

    In celebration of our fifth anniversary, we’ve invited our dotMagis bloggers to reflect on the individual lines of St. Ignatius’s Prayer for Generosity. How does...