HomedotMagisDiscernmentListening for God’s Voice Within: A Webinar with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ

Listening for God’s Voice Within: A Webinar with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ

Listening for God's Voice Within: A Webinar with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ (pictured)

Lent is a time to deepen our awareness of how God is prompting us to take the next step in our walk of faith. Join Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, for a webinar in which he’ll reveal how we can use Ignatian discernment to listen to God’s voice within us. We’ll explore trusting our own thoughts, feelings, and desires as portals to discerning God’s will.

Listening for God’s Voice Within
A Webinar with Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ

March 12, 2024

Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, has served as novice director, spiritual director, and high school campus minister. He has authored many popular books on prayer and spirituality, including God’s Voice Within and Reimagining the Ignatian Examen. He lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he serves as pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Church and School.


  1. I registered for the event and got an e-mail which said it had the link to the recording, but it only led me back to this page. How do i access the recording?

  2. Thank you very much for this wonderful webinar. I live in Tokyo where we hardly get English “inputs” to nourish our souls and good tools help us in the mission. This is very helpful! Looking forard to the nexxt one!

  3. What a beautiful symphony, God’s voice within, can be ! Very grateful to learn about Ignatius discernment.

    • Nirmala, the time zone converter shows the time in London will be 3:00 p.m.

      Denise Gorss
      IgnatianSpirituality.com Editor

    • Thomas, there should be a brief form within the post to register. If the form isn’t appearing for some reason, please try a different browser or device.

      Denise Gorss
      IgnatianSpirituality.com Editor

  4. Will I be able to see this webinar at any time? I am not available at the proposed date and time, so I’m hoping your answer is yes.

    • Mary Ellen, yes, the webinar will be recorded so you can watch it at a time convenient to you. Register for the event, and you’ll receive the link to the recording when it’s ready. Thank you for your interest.

      Denise Gorss
      IgnatianSpirituality.com Editor

  5. I have a few of Mark Thibodeaux’s books. He is a gifted wrriter and presenter. I also did the retreat on the Spiritual Exercises that he did at the beginning of the Covid lockdown. It lifted people’s spirits and saved people’s sanity. Looking forward to seeing him again. Thanks for making the webinar possible.


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