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Make Today Matter Blog Hop

Make Today Matter Blog HopHow can small things done every day change us for the better and make the world better too? Author and leadership speaker Chris Lowney knows 10 habits that can lead to a better life and world, and we invite you to a special blog hop celebrating those habits and how each of us can Make Today Matter.

Each weekday from April 30 through May 11, 2018, a different blogger will reflect on one of the habits explained in Lowney’s new book Make Today Matter: 10 Habits for a Better Life (and World). Hop from blog to blog each day to be inspired by our participating writers:

Habit 1. Point out the way.
Monday, April 30
Andy Otto, God in All Things

Habit 2. Bring big heart every day.
Tuesday, May 1
Sarah Reinhard, Snoring Scholar

Habit 3. Don’t win the race; contribute to the (human) race.
Wednesday, May 2
Michelle Francl-Donnay, Quantum Theology

Habit 4. Give away your sneakers; help someone today.
Thursday, May 3
Ginny Kubitz Moyer, Random Acts of Momness

Habit 5. Banish the inner demons; be free for what matters.
Friday, May 4
Lisa Jones, Of Sound Mind and Spirit

Habit 6. Change your little part of the world.
Monday, May 7
Becky Eldredge, BeckyEldredge.com

Habit 7. Keep walking up the hill and down the hill; persevere.
Tuesday, May 8
Joe Paprocki, Catechist’s Journey

Habit 8. Be more grateful.
Wednesday, May 9
Pete Socks, The Catholic Book Blogger

Habit 9. Control the controllables; listen to the still, small voice.
Thursday, May 10
Margaret Felice, MargaretFelice.com

Habit 10. Answer this hurting world’s call for happy warriors.
Friday, May 11
Loretta Pehanich, dotMagis

Preview the habits by watching Chris Lowney introduce them in these brief videos. Then get your copy of Make Today Matter here, and enjoy blog hopping with us these two weeks!

Get your copy of Make Today Matter here.


  1. Chris,
    I am looking forward to absorbing the wisdom of your latest book – “Make Today Matter” and sharing it with my six (grown) children and my spouse. Your ability to “Christ-il-ize” and contemporize essential Ignatian insights is a genuine gift to each of us who walks the modern day Cameno of Life – thank you.


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon