HomeIgnatian PrayerPrayer in the Wake of Violence

Prayer in the Wake of Violence

Prayer for Uvalde Texas - heart over Texas in map of United States

Prayer for Uvalde

Recognizing that the children and teachers are with God, we at Loyola Press, in solidarity with the suffering people of Uvalde, Texas, pray:

  • For the parents and families in their grief.
  • For care and healing for surviving classmates, teachers, and administrators.
  • For those prone to violence, that they be stopped before they act, seek help when needed, and experience a lasting change of heart and mind that exists in love and peace.
  • For local and national leaders to act in common-sense ways that limit gun access to those who might harm innocent life.
  • For the entire country, that we work together to develop real solutions that build peaceful and healthy individuals, families, and communities, so schools, places of worship, and all other public gathering spaces are safely inhabited.

Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, we are your humble servants.
We come before you today in need of hope.
We pray for serenity and joy that overcome trouble and tragedy.
We pray for love and kindness that overcome hatred and hostility.
We pray for peace and safety for all our children, everywhere.
While today seems very dark and full of anguish,
We pray to be filled with your light and your peace
And to share that light and peace with others.
Help us live in hope that you will restore us.
In your name, we pray.

Reconociendo que los niños y los maestros están con Dios, nosotros en Loyola Press, en solidaridad con la gente que sufre de Uvalde, Texas, oramos:

  • Para los padres y las familias en su dolor.
  • Para el cuidado y la sanación de los compañeros de escuela, maestros y administradores sobrevivientes.
  • Para aquellos propensos a la violencia, que sean detenidos antes de actuar, busquen ayuda cuando sea necesario y experimenten un cambio duradero de corazón y mente que existe en amor y paz.
  • Para los líderes locales y nacionales que actúen con buen sentido común para que limiten el acceso a las armas a aquellos que podrían dañar vidas inocentes.
  • Para todo el país, que trabajemos juntos para desarrollar soluciones reales que forman personas, familias y comunidades pacíficas y saludables, para que las escuelas, los lugares de oración y todos los espacios públicos de reunión estén seguros.

Padre Celestial, somos tus humildes siervos.
Hoy venimos ante a Ti necesitados de esperanza.
Oramos por serenidad y gozo que superen los problemas y la tragedia.
Oramos por amor y bondad que venzan el odio y la hostilidad.
Oramos por la paz y la seguridad para todos nuestros niños, en todo el mundo.
Aunque hoy parezca muy oscuro y lleno de angustia,
Oramos para que nos ilumines con tu luz y tu paz
Y poder compartir esa luz y paz con los demás.
Ayúdanos a vivir con la esperanza de que nos restaurarás.
En tu nombre, oramos.

Find suggestions for Helping Children to Cope with Violence and Tragedy and engaging in action to protect life.


  1. Life is a precious gift. Respectful farewell to those gone ahead of us. Strength and courage to all their loved ones. God bless.

  2. Thank you for this pray. Although I live very far away in Australia, I offer my prayers for the anguished families . The little ,innocent children murdered and all suffering this terrible tragedy.
    I ask Godd ,to help your leaders to change your gun laws! AMEN

  3. Amen, and let us especially pray for those damaged enough to commit such atrocities, that they may somehow be aware of our prayers, listen to them, and act upon them.


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon