Ignatius’s First Followers

Let’s take a moment in IgnatiusFest to think about the men who first followed Ignatius.  We wouldn’t be here without Ignatius, but we wouldn’t be here without the first companions either.  They were a handful of students who met Ignatius at the University of Paris.  They made the bold decision to join their lives together in a radical fellowship.   It was a crucial moment.  As the narrator of this video says, “the first follower turns a lone nut into a leader.”

The video explains how movements get started.  Watch it with Ignatius’s first companions in mind.  (Click here to see the video on YouTube.)


  1. What an interesting take on “leadership”! I am encouraged, as a bit of a “lone nut” Spiritual Exercise devotee at the moment, to further encourage my first co-Exercitant. Especially now that we have 2 or 3 others considering making the Exercises “under” me this fall.


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