
mystery - search results

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The Mystery of the Incarnation

In the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, retreatants imagine the mystery of the Incarnation. They take time to picture the Trinity looking over...

A Week to Consider Mystery

I’ve never been a huge fan of Halloween—I was one of those children who scared easily and who did not enjoy being scared. But...

Finding God in the Mess Lenten Read-Along: Irrepressible Mystery

Life itself is a mystery. And a glorious one at that! How did we get here? What is life all about? Wonderful mysteries! Perhaps in...

Mystery and Imagination

Indeed, the past is present in us now. All of us in our identity are constituted by all the experiences we have ever had....

God as Mystery, God as Neighbor

Yesterday was a normal day, just like any other, but for some reason I woke up and was jolted with some unexpected thoughts about...

At the Edge of the Desert

The high point of our tour through Morocco was always meant to be the camel ride in the desert. The trip was designed that way;...

Reflecting God

I strive for distractions-free prayer spaces, and I was sure the stateroom balcony on our once-in-a-lifetime cruise would be such a place. A monotonous...

Word for the New Year: Love

As we begin a new year, I pray, as I do every year, for God to reveal to me something he’d like me to...

Collecting Past and Present

There’s a tiny games and hobbies shop off the highway near my house. I have to make at least one U-turn to find it....

Prepare My Heart

God my creator, and the one who loves my soul, prepare my awareness for the Advent days ahead so that I can dwell in every moment with...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon