

A Judge for the Spiritual Exercises

The Spiritual Exercises were originally given in a month-long retreat of about 30 days. Today, the most common way to make the Exercises is...

All Creatures of Our God and King

Just opened a can of (dolphin-safe) tuna and almost drained the can into cute little bowls that I no longer have for cats who...


Today Pope Benedict XVI beatified John Henry Cardinal Newman, one of my heroes.  A formative period in my life was during the 1990-91 academic...

Howard Gray on the Spiritual Exercises

A friend sent me the link to a series of excellent "conversations" about Ignatius and the Spiritual Exercises led by Howard Gray, SJ, an...

“I was a stranger”

I should probably cut myself a break. After all, it has only been six weeks since I moved to Baltimore (aka Charm City and...

Using the Examen to Change

Aaron Pidel, SJ, thinks that this observation in a Times article on self-monitoring is right on the mark.  When we try to change we simply...

His Life Was Good but His Thinking Was Bad

One of my favorite characters in fiction is Konstantin Dmitrich Levin in Leo Tolstoy's great novel Anna Karenina. Levin is an intelligent young aristocrat with...

Contemplative Cooking

Since I no longer believe in coincidence, I'm wondering what God is inviting me to see, not only in the sudden spate of movies...

Understanding Desire

With the feast day of Saint Augustine coming up later this week (August 28) I have been thinking about his (likely) influence on Saint...

Contemplating My New Bettas

Over the weekend, I went to Petsmart and brought home a new betta, in part because the betta that survived last month's move from...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon