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    The Jesuit Collaborative is a Boston-based ministry of the Jesuits on the East Coast formed to promote the Spiritual Exercises and train spiritual directors. Its fall schedule includes two seminars for spiritual directors in Boston and days of prayer...
    Becky Eldredge and Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, sat down this summer for a conversation about Ignatian spirituality. In this video on distractions in prayer, Becky notes that, “God works in distractions too. And eventually the stillness will come.”
    Gary Smith, SJ, recently returned to the U.S. for a spell of R&R after a dozen years working with refugees in Africa.  A few years ago, Gary published a book about this work--They Come Back Singing, an inspiring, gut-wrenching, and...
    EcoJesuit is a website with lots of useful information and opinions about best practices to meet ecological challenges.  It's a joint project of European Jesuits and the Asia Pacific Jesuit Conference with a mission of "promoting greater awareness of our...
    This is a report on the work of the African Jesuit AIDS Network (AJAN), founded 10 years ago, and present in 30 countries.  Michael Czerny, SJ, founder of the network, says it stresses personal contact with victims and the vulnerable: From...
    America magazine's latest urban pilgrimage is a visit to sites in New York City associated with Thomas Merton, hosted by Fr. Jim Martin, SJ.  Other New York pilgrimages have visited sites connected to Mother Cabrini and Isaac Hecker, the founder...
    In his well-known poem Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley observes something of the transience of all human effort.  Writing about a massive statue of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II, which appears in a stretch of desolate desert, he wonders what,...
    I've been to Rome twice.  Both trips happened before I was interested in St. Ignatius, so I've never been to the house where he lived and worked for the last 14 years of his life running the Jesuit order...
    Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini died last week. He was a renowned scripture scholar, former archbishop of Milan, a popular writer, and a rare Jesuit bishop.  In an interview shortly before his death, Martini discussed the need for renewal in...
    As I drive around the city, I see advertising signs on businesses that often include changing slogans. Along with the name of the business, it might also include a small bit of wisdom or sage advice. A car wash sign...