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    I've had some contact with the Detroit chapter of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps.  I thought I might do some volunteer work when I had some free time, so I paid a visit.  Most members are retired from professional jobs. ...
    The grace of indifference or detachment is often what we hope for in prayer. It is the place where we have surrendered to God the outcome of our hopes, fears, and worries, and we trust God enough that no...
    At the Jesuit Post, Jeff Sullivan lists his top 10 bromantic movies.  (A "bromance" is a close, non-sexual relationship between two or more men.  Yes, I had to look it up too). I can't believe "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance...
    St. Ignatius was a prolific writer.  I read somewhere that he wrote more letters than any other historically important personage of the sixteenth century.  This corpus cries out for selection and annotation, and that's what Mark Mossa, SJ, has...
    Randy Hain, a businessman in Atlanta, finds time for prayer and reflection by praying the Examen throughout the day.  Here is how it looks on his schedule. Hain is also senior editor of The Integrated Catholic Life, a pretty interesting...
    Hurricane Katrina occurred in hot, muggy August in the middle of Ordinary Time. Katrina, however, felt nothing like Ordinary Time; rather, it felt like the darkness of Good Friday as I had a first-hand look at the suffering of...
    A comment about the early JesuitsThere was, however, one “doctrine” that was fundamental for them, one that gave orientation to all their ministries and to the way they wanted to lead their own lives. It was the basic premise...
    One day I was riding a subway in New York City engaging in my favorite New York pastime—people-watching. You can really study people in subways because they sit in the same place for a while and they almost always...
    When one of his students said she was spiritual but not religious, Jason Brauninger, SJ, decided to explain why was both.  His essay was published on the lively JesuitPost.com site.  His main reason? It's this: without religion, without a living...
    There's an old saying that we should “pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on you.” It's been attributed to St. Ignatius, who said something similar, if not using those exact words, as...