HomePeopleGrounded and Joyful

Grounded and Joyful

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Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ, remembers a 100-year-old friend who “was grounded in a religious tradition and intentional about celebration. She was joyful.”

Fr. Rossmann is the author of The Freedom of Missing Out: Letting Go of Fear and Saying Yes to Life. He shared the above video wisdom story, inspired by the book, Sharing the Wisdom of Time—itself inspiration for the Netflix series, Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis.

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  1. Hi, Father Rossman: I am a young woman of 74, and a song on my Amazon Playlist is “Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my Heart'”…and goes on to say “Down in My heart to Stay.” But why be selfish? Don’t let Joy stay DOWN in your heart? Share it – it is what the world neeeds

    • 🎶🎶. I’ve got the joy, down in my heart to stay 🎶sung it many times,
      As the scripture says, “ the joy of the Lord is my strength “

  2. Thank you, Father Rossmann, for a timely a reminder that at the tender age of 68, I still have gifts to share and life to bring to others, particularly the young (and, the young at heart). I will pray for the grace to carry this with me in the same spirit as Margarite to my grandchildren and to their friends, to share joy and the love of God with them.

  3. What a lovely story.

    I don’t really hold any memories of my own grandparents as I was young when they all died.
    I did, however, have the strong example of my parent’s faith through the trials and heartache that came with them losing a son through sudden death at the age of 37 years. Their faith carried them through this and much more throughout their lives. They never forgot to have a sense of humour, either.


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