HomeIgnatian PrayerIgnatian Voices8 Pope Francis Quotes to Celebrate His Anniversary

8 Pope Francis Quotes to Celebrate His Anniversary

Embracing the Way of Jesus: Reflections from Pope Francis on Living Our FaithToday, March 13, we celebrate Pope Francis’s fourth anniversary. To honor the occasion, enjoy some of his inspiring and challenging words.

  1. “When we receive and welcome him into our heart, the Holy Spirit immediately begins to make us sensitive to his voice and to guide our thoughts, our feelings, and our intentions according to the heart of God.”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Vinita Hampton Wright.

  2. “The Lord always chooses his way to enter our lives. Often he does so slowly, so slowly that we are in danger of losing our patience a little. But Lord, when?

    Read a reflection on this quote by Cara Callbeck.

  3. “God is indeed waiting for you; he asks of you only the courage to go to him.”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Maureen McCann Waldron.

  4. “Being holy is not a privilege for the few, as if someone had a large inheritance; in baptism we all have an inheritance, which is the ability to become saints. Holiness is a vocation for everyone.”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Jurell Sison.

  5. “Being free always to choose goodness is demanding, but it will make you into people with backbone who can face life, people with courage and patience.”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Jim Manney.

  6. “What do I do with my life? Do I create unity around me? Or do I cause division by gossip, criticism, or envy?”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Marina McCoy.

  7. “True mercy, the mercy God gives to us and teaches us, demands justice; it demands that the poor find the way to be poor no longer.”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Lisa Kelly.

  8. “Let us ask ourselves today: are we open to ‘God’s surprises’?”

    Read a reflection on this quote by Cara Callbeck.

Read more from Pope Francis in Embracing the Way of Jesus and The Church of Mercy.


  1. I say a prayer each day for the intentions of the Holy Father. Today I say a special prayer for the Holy Father himself. I remember the day of his election he asked the congregation to pray for him and started with an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be…I have said that prayer today for you, Pope Francis. God bless you and keep you safe in the palm of His hand always!


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon