
Give Thanks with the Examen

This post is part of the Lenten series “From Ashes to Glory.”The Ignatian Examen begins with thanks to God for all that we have...

An Examen for Ash Wednesday

This is the first in a series of posts “From Ashes to Glory.” The Word And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for...

An Examen “From Ashes to Glory”

This Lent we are offering a prayer exercise, “From Ashes to Glory,” based on Ignatius's Examen. It is by Joseph Tetlow, SJ, a writer...

Learn about the Examen

We've just released an image and audio presentation on the Examen--the fifth in our Ignatian Way series.  As the narrator says at the beginning,...

Video: The Five Steps of the Examen

Yesterday Becky Eldredge, author and speaker, shared her experience with the Examen. Today she and Paul Campbell, SJ, outline the steps of how to...

Praying the Examen

Becky Eldredge shares with Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, why she loves praying the Examen.

A Way to Pray the Examen

I love the daily Examen.  It's a simple, life-changing prayer, and I'm always interested in  the ways people adapt it to suit their own...

An Examen for Busy People

Our friends at Busted Halo have published an attractive six-step Examen, the prayer method that everyone can use. We have much material on the...

Daily Examen for Busy Business People

Randy Hain, a businessman in Atlanta, finds time for prayer and reflection by praying the Examen throughout the day.  Here is how it looks...

The Christian Problem

One day I was riding a subway in New York City engaging in my favorite New York pastime—people-watching. You can really study people in...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon