

Growing My Trust in God

One day as I was walking down a busy sidewalk, I noticed that the crowd could be divided into two camps. There were those...

Finding God in the Present Moment

I know a woman who used to watch the news religiously. She would get caught up in the latest mandate, scandal, or expose until...

On Patience

When I hear the word saint, the first image that comes to my mind is not some Carmelite nun kneeling in a darkened chapel...

Beholding the Moment

I’m reading through essays that my students have submitted in response to the assignment to spend one hour in nature, undisturbed by phones or...

Seven Ignatian Tips for Moving Forward in Uncertain Times

I just feel unsettled. I’m undecided. I don’t know what to do. I keep hearing the same sentiments from friends, and I get it. We were...


The Mystery of the Incarnation overcomes the problem of distance. Without the Incarnation, without the Word of God becoming fully human, God will never...

Nothing Human Is Merely Human

The Ignatian ideal is that now we can recall and relive an experience of “union and familiarity” with God that uplifts and sustains us...

Listening as a Spiritual Practice

“Try to increase the amount of listening you do each day,” suggests Spiritual Practices for the Brain author Anne Kertz Kernion in this brief...

Living with Unexpected Change

“Living with unexpected change” describes the life of just about everybody I know. A marriage hits hard times thanks to extended illness or unemployment....

What Would You Ask God?

My 11-year-old son asks the best questions. He can get a conversation going in any situation. I overheard a lively discussion at the playground...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon