HomeSt. Ignatius LoyolaCelebrating 31 Days with St. Ignatius

Celebrating 31 Days with St. Ignatius

Celebrate 31 Days with St. Ignatius - text next to image of St. Ignatius Loyola

July is almost here, which means we’re getting ready for the 15th-annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius. This original month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality leads up to the feast day of its namesake on July 31. We’ve put together a calendar of Ignatian articles and more for you to be inspired daily by St. Ignatius’s story and influence. Receive e-mails with the links for each week. Register here. (If you signed up last year, you’re all set and will automatically receive the messages in your inbox starting July 1.)

Then, inspired by the title, Audacious Ignatius, we’ll explore “The Audacity of Ignatian Spirituality” as our theme this year. Our regular dotMagis blog contributors and special guests will reflect on the boldness of the Ignatian way. Look for posts from writers including Becky Eldredge, Michael Rossmann, SJ, Vinita Hampton Wright, and more. Subscribe to dotMagis to receive these posts in your inbox.

Join in the celebration by adding your own thoughts in the comments for this or any post. Use the hashtag #31DayswithIgnatius on your favorite social media channels, and share your experiences of the audacity of Ignatian spirituality.


  1. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to make may spiritual joureny I look forward to enjoyng this rare gift to the full.

  2. I just started a Sabbatical and wanted to spend time learning from Ignatius. This sounds great! Thanks for providing this!

  3. I’m looking forward to stepping through the days with this wonderful service. Thank you for the opportunity to renew.

  4. I first heard the story of St Ignatius and the cannonball when I was in high school in the early 1960s. Bits and pieces of principles of Ignatian Spirituality appeared in my life now and then, perhaps not identified as such, though they always made sense and resonated with me. My “formal” introduction to St Ignatius came during the 2020 pandemic lockdown, when I enrolled in Becky Eldredge’s “Overwhelmed No More” online retreat. What a gift that was! I have been learning ever since.


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