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Getting Started in Ignatian Discernment

The goal of Ignatian discernment is to discover where God is active in our lives.  Here is a simple two-step exercise to get started...

Lunar Footnote

NASA has announced that its Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) will strike the Cabeus A crater near the south pole of...

Did Jesus Laugh?

Fr. Jim Martin, SJ, is sure he did.   He explains why to NPR's Scott Simon.  He also talks about religious humor that goes over...

The Jesuit on the Waterfront

James Fisher, a professor of history at Fordham, has just published On the Irish Waterfront, the story of the New York/New Jersey waterfront, which...

The Spiritual Exercises in High School

Religious educators with an Ignatian bent take note. A young Jesuit named Anthony Borrow has been using the Spiritual Exercises in his classes at Dallas...

Sign Up for E-Magis

IgnatianSpirituality.com is starting a newsletter about, you guessed it, Ignatian spirituality. It will be full of ideas, resources, links, and news. It's called...

Best Ignatian Songs: Gabriel's Oboe

One of my favorite movies is The Mission, a film inspired by the Jesuit missions in South America in the eighteenth century. One of...


A couple of interesting new bloggers have set up shop lately. Convert Webster Bull writes the blog "Why I am a Catholic." The title of...

Back to School at Cristo Rey

This week classes start at 22 US high schools that are part of the Cristo Rey network, an innovative and highly successful model for...

Best Ignatian Songs: Livin' on a Prayer

This week's Ignatian song is the hard rock classic "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. It's about a working class couple "livin'...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon