HomeRetreatsWaiting for the Spirit Online Retreat Day Nine

Waiting for the Spirit Online Retreat Day Nine

Waiting for the Spirit: Ascension to Pentecost Retreat - text next to image of disciples at Pentecost

Welcome to the conclusion of Waiting for the Spirit! Thank you for journeying with us through these nine days of online retreat. Feel free to post your final reflections in the comments area below today’s content as we encourage one another in prayer.

The Grace I Seek

I pray for the grace to recognize the Holy Spirit’s presence in my life.

Come, Holy Spirit Prayer


Read today’s Scripture readings: May 30, 2020, the Vigil of Pentecost Sunday.

Fiona Basile reflects on today’s Gospel, John 7:37–39. Basile is the author of Shhh…God Is in the Silence.

For Further Reflection

Pentecost Conquers Fear

There is much we could focus on in this Pentecost narrative: the wind, the tongues of fire, the miracle of understanding. Yet what gets my attention every time is the issue of fear. Why were the Apostles in one place together? Because they were afraid, so afraid in fact that they locked themselves up in that place. But then, filled with the Holy Spirit, they threw themselves into the middle of another previously frightening place—the place of Crucifixion—but now empowered by love that knows no fear.

—Amy Welborn, in 2020: A Book of Grace-Filled Days

Take some time to ponder the message that God shares with you today through the Scripture readings and reflections. When you are ready, proceed to the closing prayer.

Closing Prayer

Rebecca Ruiz leads us in prayer.

Tonight (May 30), after praying with these final reflection materials of our retreat, join the worldwide Ignatian family in a Pentecost prayer vigil at 8:00 p.m. Manila, Rome, or New York time. Learn more.


  1. Thank you to everyone who put this retreat together. I could barely hear it, so having the subtitles was a blessing. I appreciate all the work and love that goes into giving everyone the opportunity of hearing / or reading your Reflections. May Gd Bless all and keep all Safe and in God’s care.

  2. Fiona Basile, thank you! That was a beautiful reflection on a believing heart and flowing water, waters of love and hope. Or sadly is my heart dried up? Such meaningful images, that is what happens when you read scripture then listen, be silent, and wait for God.

  3. Fiona: Wonderful final reflection. The idea of a river — the gift of water — as not only life-giving, but also as a source of great hope, was much needed this morning. I was prompted to ask myself how often I stand in that river… the life of Christ… and how far I am willing to wade in.

    Rebecca: “so unsure of what is to come…” Again, your call for us to move from the sidelines, to not see ourselves as helpless, asking for God to guide us along the way in the days ahead. Thank you! I’ve appreciated all your prayers. Great job.

    Thanks to all who worked on this. So grateful.

  4. Thank you for this retreat. Wonderful, thought provoking and touching reflections. A gift gratefully received during this pandemic. Thank you to all who put this together. May the Holy Spirit keep our fire burning!

  5. OHHHHHH Fiona! Such beautiful thoughts! I felt the Holy Spirit as you spoke. Thank you, Rebecca, for your prayer of hope……

  6. I was reminded of God’s glorious creation for us and how our lives are in His hands. Just one word from Him can take away our breath of life in the Psalm.
    Thank you Fiona for a very inspiring reflection on that verse. It speaks to me personally.
    Thank you Rebecca for a closing prayer that led me to desire the Holy Spirit with open palms.
    I am glad for this retreat.

  7. I believe that the Holy Spirit led me to this retreat and I thank all the people
    who made it possible for us to prepare for the Feast of Pentecost in this grace-filled way.
    Thankyou Fiona and Rebecca for an inspiring close to the retreat.

    God bless you all.

  8. Enjoyed the Retreat . It makes me want to pray and pray more. Looking forward to more sessions by the wonderful speakers. May God continue to bless them all. Happy Pentecost!

  9. Thank you so much to all of you for these wonderful days of retreat!
    May we continue to be Spirit-filed people!

  10. Thankyou to the Retreat Team for your Prayers, your preparation and your offering the gift of this Retreat. This is the first time I have made a Retreat in this way. The Reflections and Prayers have been such a gift and so fruitful for me- such that I truly feel the Spirit of the living God has fallen afresh on me and the words of that Hymn are playing over and over in my heart. With deep Gratitude and God’s Blessings to you all.

  11. Thank you for the variety & inspiration of all those who led this retreat. Everyday was special in some way. Thank you Fiona for helping me to pause and reflect on what it means to drink of Jesus’ Living Water and then become part of God’s river of life to others.

  12. Thank you to all the people who so conscientiously prepared this retreat. May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you!

  13. “Waiting for the Spirit!” This has been a grace filled retreat for me. It’s the first time I have participated on line. A special thank you for all who put this together, and all those who gave us inspiring thoughts through out this retreat. God bless you all.!
    Blessings! Sister Mary Robert Romano

  14. Thank you very much for the inspiring retreat. Thanks go to all of you for your time to prepare this for us.

  15. Thanks a lot for these retreat and the speakers who make these retreat more meaningful.These retreat prove to ke what my faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We all need each others help and prayers So let us pray for us and have mercy to the whole world.God Bless Ys All

  16. Each presenter, each reflection, each time of silence, each closing prayer,,,,was a gift.
    Thank you for making this novena so inviting, enriching, challenging and rewarding.
    It will be part of making this Pentecost grace-filled.

  17. I have been inspired by this retreat. Tonight at the Vigil, we will welcome the candidates into the church, postponed since the Easter vigil. I have been praying for them since they will receive the Spirit in a special way.

  18. Thank you for as long as the river is still flowing there is HOPE- and peace will follow.
    A beautiful passage of lectio divina to meditate on
    I pray the Holy Spirit may rest within me and find a home in my heart so that I may continue to care and assist those in need always.

    Another inspiring prayer to draw us into God’s heart – much appreciated

  19. This WAITING FOR THE SPIRIT retreat was so up lifting for me. I prayed to the Holy Spirit like I never had before. I have taken part in Lent and Advent retreats but never one for awaiting Pentecost. Thank you!

  20. Sincere thanks to all the presenters and organisers.
    It was a blessed time as I became more aware of the very real presence of the Spirit in even the smallest events of daily life.
    Wishing an outpouring of blessings on all the retreatants

  21. Thank you for this beautiful gift in preparation for the great feast of Pentecost. It has truly been a blessing that I have shared with others.

  22. Loved the retreat. Regret is finished. Maybe I can receive those in Spanish as I receive my daily retreat.
    Thank you

  23. Fiona – I did the same when I was reading the Scriptures for vigil of pentecost. The phrase thay struck me most was ‘living water’. I am thirsting of the living water. And, I am dearly missing the Eucharist that satifies my soul.

    Joining your prayer, Rebecca. May the Holy Spirit overwhelms us with love ❤👼

    My big thanks to all who took part in putting this online retreat together. It’s a wonderful “waiting” time. This is one of my great takeaways during this pandemic. May the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith and hope in this journey 🙏💚👼


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon