


Pentecost I watch Your branches dance, bathed in morning sun, and wonder at the work of Spirit’s breath between the leaves; what You have begun You will fulfill, and we who wait so...

Scars and Make Me a Mirror

Scars Some wounds take a long time to heal; some wounds never heal; sometimes there are scars, perpetual evidence of a love well-lived. You still have the wounds, evidence of...

Triduum Poems

Sunsong (Gethsemane prayer, Holy Thursday) sunlight pours upon the field in early autumn. wheat grows thin, nourishing the wind. soft-spoken daffodils wait for the tide, sheltered only by a song. now shall...

We Are Such a Mix

Each year at the start of Lent, I notice again my need for God’s grace to bring me back from all the ways I’ve...

Days Hazed, When Such Winter Chill, and Light Too Bright to Behold

Days Hazed days hazed, holding their knowing, known in hope only, open too slowly, while these days filled too full quit too quickly, knowing not yet caught. yet hazed days are wonders working, slowly...

The Return Home

That Christmas, when we were in love, he gave me a watercolor he’d done some years before of the Holy Family’s return from Egypt....

Three Poems

Jubilee You’ve multiplied the many fruits of every gift You’ve given me: music, service, intellect, with love-begetting-love multiplied most; and now like a plant in a pot You ask me to rest; and looking...

This Is Your Easter, Thomas

The moniker “doubting Thomas” has always bothered me. Thomas did, after all, have great faith, enough faith to give up everything he knew—family, friends,...

As Kingfishers Catch Fire (Song)

In honor of National Poetry Month, enjoy this musical rendition of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s “As Kingfishers Catch Fire” by the Euphonage. If you’re receiving this...

Journey of the Magi

T. S. Eliot reads his poem “Journey of the Magi” in the audio track of today’s featured video. For those of you who have...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon