HomeSt. Ignatius Loyola

St. Ignatius Loyola

Four Facts About Ignatius That Can Give Us Hope

Editor’s note: We’ve been having fun celebrating the 10th anniversary of The fun will continue throughout July with our 10th-annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius celebration. Bookmark...

Two Hints for Recognizing the Two Ignatian Movements of Consolation and Desolation

The two key movements in Ignatian spirituality are consolation and desolation. These terms can be difficult to understand as their meanings seem to shift...

10th-Annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius

We’ve been having fun celebrating the 10th anniversary of by “Counting the Gifts of Ignatian Spirituality.” The fun will continue throughout July with...

The Joyful Mary and St. Ignatius

My mother has a figurine of Mary joyfully holding the baby Jesus. She raises him up playfully, and we see their eye contact and...

Waiting on the Spirit

My son is preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this month. The other day, he came home from school worried because he couldn’t...

An Ignatian Pilgrimage Week #4: The Legacy of St. Ignatius

One year after Pope Paul III approved the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits elected Ignatius Loyola to be Superior General of their Society, in...

An Ignatian Pilgrimage Week #3: Preparation for a Life’s Vocation

Ignatius Loyola went through a conversion experience while he was recuperating from battle wounds. However, the transformation was not over. In fact, the most...

An Ignatian Pilgrimage Week #2: The Injury That Changed Everything

Ignatius Loyola became a soldier, and in 1521 he found himself and his small group of fellow warriors defending the fortress of Pamplona against...

An Ignatian Pilgrimage Week #1: The Place Where a Person Begins

As you probably know, Loyola Press, the host of this blog, is a ministry of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits....

Ignatian Gratitude: Encounter and Response

With rapt attention, I watched the rescue of the boys’ soccer team in Thailand. The boys were stranded by rising waters in a cave....


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon