HomeJesuit Saints

Jesuit Saints

What St. Francis Xavier Left Behind

What mountains must I climb to reach the house of God? What must I sacrifice? St. Francis Xavier had to shed his vanity and...

Remembering Alphonsus Rodriguez 400 Years Later

This month marks 400 years since the death of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez. A Jesuit brother, he served as a humble doorkeeper in Majorca, Spain,...

Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Francis Xavier, great missionary and close friend of St. Ignatius. Francis Xavier had planned to devote himself to...

Feast of St. Francis Xavier

December 3 is the feast of St. Francis Xavier. St. Francis was one of the first Jesuits and a close friend of St. Ignatius...

St. John de Brébeuf’s Open Heart

This month we remember a Jesuit priest and martyr who left the relative comforts of 17th-century France to become a missionary to the Huron...

St. Robert Bellarmine on Charity

St. Robert Bellarmine, noted for his intellectual prudence in the case of Galileo and the Counter-Reformation, and his great humility despite his position, is...

Feast of St. Peter Faber

Yesterday we celebrated the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola. Tomorrow is the feast day of St. Peter Faber, one of Ignatius’s first companions. In...

Jesuit Madness

The Jesuit Post is taking a light-hearted look at the lives of Jesuit saints in Jesuit Madness 2014. First round voting ends tonight, with...

Novena of Grace

Today marks the beginning of the annual Novena of Grace in honor of St. Francis Xavier. It’s timed to end on the day that...

Feast of St. Paul Miki

Today is the feast day of St. Paul Miki and his companions. The Jesuit Miki and 25 others were martyred in Japan in the...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon